Tomorrow it is back to the day job. Kinda heartbreaking actually. : ) You get some time off, find that groove where there is time to stay up late and just keep working, and then it all comes to a screeching halt. I have done so much, most of which I cannot show yet, but there is still so much to do.
For one thing, Keegan and I finished our surprise for Mommie. Each time she has come over recently, we have done a little painting, and I put it all together into a lunch bag. I placed a piece of clear heavy plastic in the bottom to give it some body and to make it easy to wipe off any crumbs or whatever between washings. I think Miss K did a great job on her part.
Another day found me making 6 hours worth of nonbias tape that I thought I needed for a project. The strips turned out great, but the project is in the rethinking bin along with a fabric wallet that ended up there as well. I got the zipper, the change purse part, and the credit card holder all perfect, but it just won't close properly. I think I used fabric that was too thick. Darn it. I hate it when the rethink bin gets too much in it. I do have other ideas for all those strips if the rethinking does not work either. Actually, I have already used some of the scraps of the strips.
And then, because I just couldn't resist, I joined an online class taught by Mary Ann Moss titled Remains of the Day. My cover is above. The next step is to gather up all kinds of papers and ephemera to make the inside pages. I have watched the first 20 videos, only about 8 more to go. Jeane and I have done similar books a million times, but I just couldn't resist.
Now, if I just didn't have all that laundry to go back and forth between...
love all the buttons and raggy bits