Saturday, June 4, 2011

Settling in

I celebrated my first official day of public school retirement yesterday by doing whatever moved me all day, no listening to the little voice in my head telling me that it was crazy too drive across to the other side of the big city to get exactly the brand of locally made hot dogs I was craving. Neither did I listen to the one telling me that I didn't need to detour on the way home from one of the happiest places on earth, wherever my grandchildren are, and go get shaved ice late at night. Nope, I just did it. I also knocked off a lot of "bad guys" in Angry Birds and played in the studio, just "cause I felt like it. I schemed, planned, knocked off a couple of appts. and had a smile pretty much all day.

Today, I am back in the studio doing more planning of a variety of sorts, getting inspired, and messing around in a variety of ways, too. As I was cruising various art retreats online, one site led to another, as it always does, right? and I have to admit, I have Rolodex fever again.

A while back, I was hosting monthly Rolodex card swaps as part of a Yahoo group. Here 'tis, the result of 14 little themed swaps, all in one big project. It was inspired by cards I saw somewhere else online, where, I remember not.

Patty Van Dorin has a different twist on Rolodex art. She calls hers a Scrapodex and you can see more about it on her blog, which includes, many posts:
Well after she showed hers, a journalfest artist, Brian Kasstle, saw it, started making some, and has a post as well. You may see his here:
He even has a way that you can get involved in swapping them. I'm in.


  1. oh wow...i had forgotten about this type of rolodex. yours is gorgeous. i found a petite rolodex @ office depot yesterday for $6 and i'm going to give it a whirl. thank you much for sharing & swapping! :)

  2. Congratulations on your retirement. Good for you to spend your day the way you wanted to!
    Love your scrappy rolodex. Oh the dozens I have thrown out through the years of working. Happy days of retirement...

  3. I'm a bit behind in my blog reading ... (end of the schoolyear, I'm not finished teaching for 3 more days). ANYWAY! congratulations!

  4. Yeah, congradulations!!! Now you can create stuff and play with the Grandkids at will!

  5. Any Swaps going on? Any openings?
