This is the newest magazine to hit the streets which contains my artwork. You can see a sample of what I created here. Scroll down to the section called Birds of a Feather. I call them my bird books. I especially excited about this one because my daughter, Jeane, and I both have feature articles in it. And if that weren't enough, my crazy art sister, (That's what we call one another.) Penney, has her precious and amazing needle case in there as well. I haven't received my copy yet, possibly today since Jeane got hers yesterday. The due date for all shelves nationwide is Dec. 1. I have created some mini versions of my bird books like the ones in the magazine, which will be for sale later. More camera trouble!
I've sent a tote bag off to another publication and have another set of three items ready to be mailed to a magazine I have been wanting to submit to for a while, but I won't be posting them until they are either published or returned. I have decided it is the smarter and safer choice for right now. But I did enjoy making them, and I hope to share them with you soon!