Insert huge sigh of relief here. My proposals to teach for Art Unraveled, 2010 have been emailed. It's a nice step up to apply for something this big, but if I am selected, I know I can handle it. Teaching at Jeane's house, at smaller local venues, and in my home studio, Studio 23 have prepared me, not to mention all the practice with those kiddos.
And speaking of teaching in my home studio, which I haven't taught in for profit for a while, that big adventure begins again tomorrow. Five ladies are coming over to do classes they couldn't get to when they have been offered before, and we're gonna squeeze in some lunch, and have some great times playing and creating. Four of them will be working on a book, part of which is shown in the photos with this posting. There are other pages besides the ones shown. Penney will be off in her own proverbial corner doing her own thing with a leftover kit from a different project that she missed while in her Virginia home this summer, while I actually teach the other class. She's coming early so she'll be off and running before the next doorbell rings. I can't wait to see them all!
If anyone wants to make a Halloween book, please go to the Frenzy Stamper website for a sneak preview of just a little of the upcoming Halloween book. There are even better surprises on other pages. The graveyard pages are my favorite. Anyway, when was the last time you went trick-or treating? You remember how fun that was, right? That will be a little part of the class. Go to the website for more details, then come join us and make an amazing book!
Your art students will have such the lacy book above.